Shibui-IT™ Proof of Concept

k•d•m Shibui-IT™ Proof of Concept (PoC) describes distinct business processes with different objectives and various participant roles. This PoC also refers to already advanced solutions involving a significant number of users acting in business roles to assess whether Shibui-IT™ delivers what its feature set promises. The overall objective of this PoC is to offer solutions to business and technical problems, such as how business processes and user requirements as well as existing hardware and software systems can be integrated through a given Shibui-IT™ configuration. Our PoC demonstrates that the product and service is financially viable. Shibui-IT™ PoC involves extensive k•d•m research, best practices and review and is submitted as a single package to interested companies. Shibui-IT™ PoC demonstrate its software’s capabilities and its fit with a fictitious company requirements. In our example, there is a mature business of about $10M in 2014 and a growth potential to $50M in 2016.

The fictitious company

  • is a Tier 2 component supplier

  • has 100 customers in 12 countries and 5 regions

  • has 4 product lines with 30 products which includes mature products, new products, opportunity funnel and end of life products as well as IP (Intellectual Property) business

  • has 12 Account Managers

  • has a data history back to 2001

  • has an ERP system and a CRM tool as source.

Disclaimer: The company and other pieces of data used in the PoC are fictitious, any similarities are therefore purely coincidental.