Shibui-IT™ - why should you care?

Shibui-IT™ Sales Planning and Reporting Tool helps Executives and Investors to make more informed and better decisions to guide the business and to monitor investments. Shibui-IT™ software and Software as a Service (SaaS) applications accomplish this by making it simpler to aggregate, see, and slice-and-dice any existing business data. This makes it easier for any user to identify trends and issues, supports business acumen, and fine-tune operations to meet business goals. Results from available public studies and personal experience reveal that the deployment of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools is continuously growing as well as the amount of collected data. Traditional front-end tools cover the basic business support feature and offer function-standard solutions which have limitations to filter and report customized information from big data base. For that reason, many companies often use spreadsheets and other ad hoc tools to get the job done. As a result, more people have to be part of the data collection and analysis process, and different people in the organization (sales, marketing, finance, etc.) need to look at data in different ways. This approach is very time consuming and labor intensive to set up and maintain and thus very expensive. Shibui-IT™ enable a truly integrated business management process to better monitor the execution of the company’s product and service strategies with easy-to-use interfaces and give businesses a way to streamline and unify the data collection, analysis and reporting process. Shibui-IT™ solutions are built on a unified database, so everyone involved in the process gets a single, immediate view of the data.

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