Markt & Technik Shibui-IT™ Article

Markt und Technik Shibui-IT Blog.jpg

kdm semi consulting GmbH has been featured in the latest edition (15 May 2020) of Germany’s leading electronics news magazine, Markt & Technik. 

Our article, “Ganzheitliche Business-Analysen automatisch generieren,” introduces k•d•m’s flagship product, Shibui-IT™, and its many innovative features to interested readers in Germany and the European Union.

After successful client presentations and product unveilings in North America and Asia, this article represents the first phase in kdm semi consulting’s ambitious international expansion strategy to penetrate European markets. 

Our Markt & Technik article “Ganzheitliche Business -Analysen automatisch generieren“ (PDF) was published by Mr. Heinz Arnold, Editor-in-Chief @ Markt & Technik and appeared in Markt & Technik Issue 2020/20 (15 May 2020) on pages 26 & 27 of WEKA MEDIA GmbH & Co. KG.